Unless you are a European citizen, you will need to get a Student Visa. The process may seem a little stressful at first, but we walk you through it every step of the way.
NOTE: If you are considering staying a full year, be it Fall & Spring or Spring & Fall, let me know (on you application and by email)! You should get a year-long visa and in order to do so, your Acceptance Letter must reflect those dates.
Once you are accepted to the program, you will receive detailed Visa Instructions. Here is a brief overview of the process:
The French Visa Process has changed recently. Visa Appointments no longer take place at the French Consulate, but rather at VFS.
There are THREE parts to the Visa Process:
(1) Campus France (Online) Application,
(2) France-Visas Online Application,
(3) VFS Visa Appointment – In Person with paper documents
Once you are accepted, you will get very detailed information about the complete process, but a brief overview can be found below.
REMEMBER: You must renew your passport AT LEAST 2 months—preferably 3 months—BEFORE the application deadline. You cannot book a Visa Appointment without your passport.
CampusFrance is the first part of the Visa Process. It is an online application, which takes up to 3 weeks to process. Depending on the number of students, Queens College does a Group Mailing which speeds up the processing of the CampusFrance Application from 3 weeks to to 5-7 business days.
You cannot attend your Visa Appointment unless your CampusFrance Application has been processed.
Once you are accepted, you will receive detailed CampusFrance Instructions.
The France-Visas Application is another online application, but this one has more to do with your in-person Visa Appointment. The application is very straight-forward.
This should be done RIGHT AFTER completing your Campus France Application.
In order to go to your Visa Appointment, your Campus France Application must be processed. But you should complete France-Visas and Book a Visa Appointment right after submitting your Campus France Application.
You will receive a France-Visas Application Overview upon acceptance to the program.
VFS is the center that will process your visa.
Upon submitting your France-Visas Application, you will book an appointment.
Fall Applicants: Book an appointment for sometime in June
Spring Applicants: Book an appointment for early - mid-December
Once you book an appointment, the next step will be to work on preparing all of the documents that you must bring to your appointment.
An overview of creating a VFS account and booking an appointment will be sent to you upon acceptance to the program.
Once you receive your Visa, off to France you go for the adventure of a lifetime!